PR & Marketing:
Technical Area - Wastewater

Join the cyclic revolution - technology for wastewater in the beverage industry safeguards the environment

Case Study:

Featured Article - Process Industry Informer

Join the cyclic revolution - technology for wastewater in the beverage industry safeguards the environment

As more and more consumers consider the products they buy and companies they invest in financially, manufacturing companies are increasingly being scrutinised for their ethics and the steps they are taking towards becoming net zero by 2030. In the water industry, this means not only reducing consumption to minimise impact on natural resources, but ensuring that any wastewater discharged will not harm the environment…

Read full article here.

Wastewater treatment media moves to pilot plant trials

Case Study:

Press Release - Sponsored Content - Envirotec

Wastewater treatment media moves to pilot plant trials

Warden Biomedia’s moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) media, which is being designed to give enhance nutrient removal to meeet the challengs of AMP7, is currently being test at Cranfield University’s National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment. The MBBR process…

Read more here.


UV Disinfection

